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Qual a diferença: Among X Between

Apesar da dúvida parecer simples, ainda vejo que tem muitos alunos com uma certa dificuldade em apreender a diferença e quando usa-los da maneira correta, por isso, dedico esse post sobre isso.


Primeiramente, as duas palavras significam “entre“, porém, existem diferenças entre elas:



Significa “entre muitas coisas”, focado sempre em grupo, coletividade ou massa. É usado com três ou mais pessoas / coisas. A palavra também pode se referir a “algo que existe/acontece ou que está incluído em um grupo”.


» Exemplos de uso:

– She eventually found her passport among the clothes in the drawer.

– He lived among poets and musicians.
– She felt lonely among all these strange people.

– I saw a few familiar faces among the crowd.
– A fifteen year old girl was among the injured.

– We sat down among the trees.
– They are among the best hockey players in the world.
– Their music is still very popular among teenagers.

Obs.: Às vezes, em contexto literário, é usado a palavra amongst ao invés de among.



Significa “entre” duas ou mais coisas ou pessoas. Podemos usa-la também para falar de escolhas,  divisão de uma quantidade de algo, discussão (ou o resultado dela) ou comparação/relação.


» Exemplos de uso:

– Standing between the two adults was a small child.
– She weighs between 55 and 60 kilograms.
– She has to choose between the universities of Leeds, York and Manchester.
– Zimbabwe is situated between Zambia to the north, Mozambique to the east, Botswana to the west, and South Africa to the south.

– She held the diamond between her thumb and forefinger.
– There was a disagreement between Emma, Jade and Zoe.
– Last year the three companies built 30,000 houses between them.
– They are wrong to claim that there is a link between unemployment and crime.
– There is a break of ten minutes between classes.
– In between sobs, he managed to tell them what had happened.

As palavras between and among NÃO são usado apenas como as situações mencionadas acima, nós podemos também usa-las para relatar algo que é dividido/compartilhado entre pessoas.
» Exemplos de uso:
– The money is to be divided between / among the towns in the area.
– The prize will be shared between / among the first six finishers in the race.
Existe ainda algumas expressões com between e among:
» Exemplos:
– The concert features, among others, Karl Frisk and the Johnsons. 
(= other singers / groups are featured too)
– I later found out that he had been a carpenter and a plumber, among other things
(= he had other jobs too)
– Talk about it among yourselves for a while.
(= talk to each other about it without me)
Between ourselves / Between you and me, I don’t think Jack is as honest as he should be.
(= keep this a secret)
– He visits his parents every month and sometimes in between.
(= Sometimes he visits his parents more times a month).
O segredo para dominar totalmente as diferenças é praticar., Leia outros exemplos em dicionários e prestem atenção ao assistir séries e filmes.
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