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Phrasal Verb: to give away

Você sabe qual é o significado do Phrasal Verb “to give away”?
Hoje veremos o significado e alguns exemplos de uso, com áudio.

To give away
Doar; Sortear; Revelar/Mostrar/Dizer
» Meaning:
1. To offer or provide at no cost to the recipient;
2. to provide someone with something that you no longer want or need;
3. To reveal or to tell information or facts that you should keep secret;
4. to show an emotion or quality that you are trying to hide;
5. To betray.
» Exemplos de uso:
– The radio station gave away six tickets to the rock concert.
–  I avoid movie reviews that gives away plot twists.
– I stopped reading the book when my friend gave the ending away.
– If captured, they might give away vital military secrets.
– Her face gave nothing away.
– Any plants that were left I gave away to neighbors.
– I bought my toddler a small bed and gave her crib away.
► Did you know? 
    giveaway    =    sorteio, (preço de) banana, “entregou”
   (sim, tudo junto)

» Meaning: 
1. Something that is given free to a customer, usually in order to encourage people to buy a particular product.
2. A giveaway price is very low.
3. A giveaway is something that makes you realize the truth about a particular person or situation.
» Exemplos de uso:
– You might want to consider other forms of giveaway if your products are unsuitable to offer as samples or gifts.
– The furniture shop’s offering three-piece suites at giveaway prices.
– The only giveaway was the look of amusement in her eyes.
Se você gostou, não se esqueça de compartilhar/comentar, assim você me ajuda a manter esse projeto gratuito. Tem alguma dúvida? Ou gostaria que explicássemos algo? Deixa sua dúvida e/ou sugestão também.
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