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News/Text: It’s raining spiders!

Outro texto, em inglês, que já tinha sido postado anteriormente no meu Instagram (@my.deer.english). Agora, é um texto sobre um local na Austrália onde chove aranhas!


It’s raning spiders.
When it rains a lot, there are some types of spiders that balloon to get away from the water. The spider jumps off a tall tree or plant and flies by using its web silk to float through the air. This is a normal event. What happened in Australia was not a normal event because thousands of baby spiders ballooned into a town all at one time. The skies rained down the spiders and their webs now cover gardens and homes in mounds. There were so many webs, the town looked like something from a horror movie.
Não entendeu tudo? 
Não tem problema, abaixo tem algumas palavras que você pode ter tido alguma dúvida…
a lot – muito
at one time – ao mesmo tempo
balloon – fazer balões
because – porque
cover – cobrir
float – flutuar
fly – voar
garden – jardim
get away – fugir
happen – acontecer
jump off – pular
look like – parecer com
many – muitos (as)
mounds – montes
movie – filme
now – agora
rain – chover, chuva
silk – seda
sky – céu
some – alguns
something – algo
spiders – aranhas
tall – alto (a)
there is/are – ter, existir
this – este
thousands – milhares
town – cidade
tree – árvore
types – tipos
web – teia
what – o que
when – quando
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