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O que significa “teacher’s pet”?



Hi guys!



Vocês sabem o que significa a expressão teacher’s pet? E a expressão pode soar um pouco ofensiva. Mas a verdade é, quase toda sala tem um teacher’s pet. Você sabe o que é?




teacher’s pet 
é um termo dado ao aluno “favorito”, geralmente o mais dedicado na sala de aula e/ou aquela pessoa que puxa o saco da pessoa quem tem autoridade.



» Explicação em inglês:


1. a student in a class who is liked best by the teacher and therefore treated better than the other students


2. A derogatory term for a teacher’s favorite or favored student, typically one who has sought such favor by being ingratiatingly obedient.


3. By extension, a derogatory term for someone who has gained or attempts to gain the favor of an authority figure, typically in order to obtain preferential treatment.



» Frases de exemplos:

– Sally is the teacher’s pet. She always gets special treatment; the other students don’t like the teacher’s pet.
– Jill’s classmates called her a teacher’s pet after she volunteered to supervise the class while the teacher was away.
– Being the teacher’s pet will get you nowhere when the midterm exam rolls around.
– Jeff is the resident teacher’s pet in the office, he brings the boss coffee every day.
– She was teacher’s pet, and everyone hated her.

Não entendeu todas as frases?
Não tem problema, abaixo tem algumas palavras que você pode ter tido alguma dúvida…

» Vocabulário:

after – depois
always – sempre
away – ausente
better – melhor
by – por, pelo (a)
derogatory – depreciativo
every day – todos os dias
everyone – todos
favored – favorecido
her – ela
in order to – a fim de
ingratiatingly – insinuantemente
midterm – “semestre”
nowhere – nenhum lugar
other – outro (a)
someone – alguém
such – talk
than – do que
therefore – portanto
to attempt – tentar
to bring – trazer
to call – chamar
to gain – ganhar
to get – conseguir, levar
to hate – odiar
to roll around – chegar, acontecer
to seek – procurar
to treat – tratar
to like – gostar
when – quando
while – enquanto
who – que

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See you!

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